Yuk berpartisipasi di Kompetisi Extreme Video 360 Degrees!

Coba yang Extreme, dan menangkan liburan ke MALDIVES!!!

Kompetisi Xtreme Video 360° adalah sebuah kegiatan lomba mengenai video 360 derajat yang diadakan oleh XL.

Apabila kamu punya ide cerita mengenai aktivitas yang bisa dijadikan Video 360 Derajat, ayo submit di SINI dan menangkan liburan ke MALDIVES gan! :D

Kamu dapat memilih salah satu dari tema yang sudah ditentukan, yaitu:

- Xtreme Activities: Segala jenis aktivitas dari mulai olahraga (renang, sepakbola, parkour, wall climbing, bela diri, surfing, dsb.), permainan (roller coaster, paintball, flying fox, dsb.), hingga berbagai aktivitas lainnya yang seru dan menantang.

- Landscape: Segala sudut pandang keunikan dari suatu tempat/daerah yang menarik untuk dijelajah, dari mulai gunung, pantai, bawah laut, hingga berbagai keindahan alam lainnya yang tak terbatas. 

Kompetisi ini akan berakhir pada tanggal 8 November 2015, jadi tunggu apa lagi gan, ayo ikutan submit ide cerita dan menangin tuh liburannya gan! kan lumayan liburan gratis tuh hueheheheh :D Kalau agan tertarik untuk ikutan dan coba keberuntungan untuk liburan ke Maldives, silahkan klik Gambar dibawah ini gan, agan akan dialihkan ke halaman submit ide ceritanya nih :


 Sekian duulu gan postingan hari ini, sampai jumpa dilain kesempatan yak!

How to put an Advertisements code on Wordpress

How to put an Advertisements code on Wordpress
If you read the articles in this blog, then at the beginning of the paragraph will be visible display local advertisements in Indonesian language (kliksaya.com). Display ads that are in the post is one of the tips that the ads get a lot of clicks from our readers, because of its position that integrates with the posting. Thus, it is also able to boost revenue from ads that are installed on our blog.

The actual method of advertising in this post has been recommended for a long time, but in reality there are many bloggers who know exactly how to put an ad in the post. Well, in this post I'll share a few tips about how to advertise to appear together with the posting. It should be noted, this tip only applies to any wordpress blog.
The standard way Installing Advertising on In Posts
The easiest way to display ads in the post is to add the code below into your wordpress blog theme single.php (read layout how!):

$where = 0;
$content = apply_filters(‘the_content’, get_the_content());
$content = explode(“</p>”, $content);
for ($i = 0; $i <count($content); $i++) {
if ($i == $where) { ?>
<div style=”float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0;“>

echo $content[$i] . “</p>”;

Tata is as follows:

Login to your wordpress blog dashboard, then go to the Appearance - Editor
Click to open the perfect single.php
Find <? Php the_content ('more'); ?> Or something similar code, and then replace it with the code above
Save and see the results
Do not forget to include the ad code that you will plug in the post by replacing the phrase <! - INSERT YOUR ADVERTISING CODE HERE -> in the above code with your ad script. You can also modify the above code based on need, such as changing the position of display advertising. This prompts:

$ Code where = 0; indicates that the ad will be shown in the first paragraph. If you replace the number 0 to number 1, the ad will appear in the second paragraph, and so on. Just change the numbers alone!
Code float: left; showed that the ads will be displayed at the left post. Well, if you want to display ads on the right post, then just change left to right, then save and see the results
Code margin: 0 10px 10px 0; suggests setting the upper limit, right, bottom and left advertising. You just playing with numbers in them to get the right position. Please try!
The standard way is actually quite easy and practical, but we are always expected to fill the post by a few paragraphs so that ads are not skewed. Well, for the blogger who sometimes only write one sentence or one paragraph just as psotingan, how to setup their ads? Easy, just follow the advanced way how to advertise in our blog post.

If you already use the first method above, it is not necessary anymore to take this advanced way. Remember, do not use this two ways at once in a blog. Please select just which way you think best suit the tastes of blogging that you have.

How to Install Advanced Advertising within PostingsTo further show how memeasang ads in the blog post is actually very easy. This method also has other advantages because we can manage to not show ads in the post if the article does not meet the number of characters that we set.Please copy and paste the code below into your wordpress blog theme functions.php:inject_ad_text_after_n_chars function ($ content) {// only do this if the post is longer than 1000 characters $ enable_length = 1000; // Insert after the first </ p> after 500 characters $ after_character = 500; if (is_single () && strlen ($ content)> $ enable_length) {$ before_content = substr ($ content, 0, $ after_character); $ after_content = substr ($ content, $ after_character); $ after_content = explode ('</ p>', $ after_content); $ text = '<! - INSERT YOUR ADVERTISING CODE HERE ->'; array_splice ($ after_content, 1, 0, $ text); $ after_content = implode ('</ p>', $ after_content); return $ before_content. $ after_content; } Else {return $ content; }add_filter ('the_content', 'inject_ad_text_after_n_chars');Note: Do not forget to fill your ad code in the above code before being put into function.php theme $ enable_length = 1000; is a code that indicates that your ads will only be shown if a post has at least 1000 characters. You can change the number of characters in accordance with the needs $ after_character = 500; is a code that indicates that your ad will be displayed after the 500th character of each post on your blog. Please change the number of characters as needed.2 ways above (choose only one of them, not both), you can enter any ad (java script, flash or HTML plain), both text ads and image ads. I own a lot of use of the above as a way to increase revenue google adsense of blogs that I manage.Good tips on How to Install Ads In WordPress Blog Posts can provide benefits for colleagues all! Ohya, if any fellow bloggers who have other tips how to place ads in a blog post, please divided here yes.

Thats it. Read Also : How to put an Advertisements code on Joomla   

Tutorial to Put an Advertisements code on Joomla

Tutorial to Put an Advertisements code on Joomla
If you've got a kind of joomla website that definitely occurred to our minds is how to take advantage of our joomla website is to make money ........ of course the first thing we do is to start by learning SEO joomla. Because to get money from us is a Joomla website with the visitors coming, more and more visitors who come to our joomla website, the higher the chances of us to make money ...... But unfortunately common man here does not explain what and how SEO Friendly on Joomla, it is because the common man is not a master SEO, and here I will explain how Adverts In Joomla 1.5. OK !!!!!!!!!!!!!! without many strings attached again we continued aja nich .............
Ekseperimen this time ordinary people using PTC (Paid To Click) because this is the business world's most convenient internet by ordinary people know !!!!! do you know ..... For the PTC What you can reopen an ordinary person who posts here about 6 Site Overview Giver Money and ordinary people it is a guarantee 6 sites giver genuine money ..... not a scam.

Now is his time we how to advertise on Joomla 1.51. Download module that is here, because this module will be used in setting ad earlier.2. Login to your back-end joomla each - each, if you already do check whether your-legacy system is active or not. If not active (red cross sign), then we need to activate this plugin I click menu extensions -> Plugin Manager, then search plugin named System - Legacy. And Click the red cross next to the text.3. Click the extensions menu -> Install / Uninstall, then click the button choose select the module you downloaded earlier and click Upload File & Install. Module will be installed successfully if it says Success .....4. Then click menu extensions -> Module Manager, click the New icon the upper right corner and search module named Phoca - Google AdSense Easy you have just uploaded earlier.Title 5. Fill up the content you want in hell, if an ordinary person trying to fill the ad said. Once the position is up to you want dikiri, dikanan important customize to your needs, fill in the order in accordance with your wishes but it is better if it is filled only with the main menu, then to access a better level filled with the public. Well, for a column adsense code that you enter the code HTML ads, because I am here only give a tutorial how to put ads on Joomla 1.5, so please look for references of other ways to get your ads PTC like google adsense, KumpulBlogger, AdsenseCamp, kliksaya and others dech , to IP (s) Alternate Content Block List and empty it. Click save. click preview to see the results of existing upper right corner. TJrenkkkkkkk !!!!!!!
Beres dech now you already have a joomla website Advertising PTC and joomla website you can now make money alias Store Maya Luckily Real uey ..... and manfhafffffff had !!!!! Well, if you consider this article inconsequential abroad - random nich my joomla website that I post the ad PTC KumpulBlogger.com http://manusiabiasa.byethost24.com/manusia who use the services. In this experiment ordinary man tried to use Joomla 1.5.7

 Read Also : What AGC Blog exactly?

What is AGC Blog Exactly?

What is AGC Blog Exactly?
Blog Auto Generated Content or better known as blogs AGC is a site of 'Black Hat' or sites that are fraudulent. Blog Auto Generated Content (AGC) is the name for a site that generates content sites or posts (articles) automatically. And according to my Blog Auto Generated Content (AGC) is different from the Blog AutoBlog. Many say that this technique is the SEO techniques but the opinion is absolutely wrong because this is in fact not opimalisasi of SEO.

 Understanding AGC (Auto Generated Content):
Blog AGC or Auto Generated Content created using AGC script. The site will be able to display any article in the search by Searcher (people searching) although in situ does not have an article that is being searched by the Searcher.

Examples blog or AGC Auto Generated Content:
1. Sample Blog Auto Generated Content or AGC firstSuppose andhika-notes.com using Script AGC. Later, when someone is looking for articles on call "IDM Full Version Download Latest Crack" will appear on Download IDM Full article Latest Version Crack it. Whereas the Notes Andhika there is no such article. So it is that in the call AGC or Auto Generated Content.
2. Sample Blog Auto Generated Content or the second AGCIn addition to the above example adalagi Example Blog Auto Generated Content or AGC. Namely, using a script Suppose again andhika-notes.com AGC. When there are people who are browsing on the article "Download Sword Art Online Anime Season 2 Gun Gale Online (GGO) Subtitle Indonesia" on Google Search Engine page will appear:
Well when clicked search results as the example above it will go back to the page seach engine. There will no longer appear similar results. When we click then the result will be the same. Namely, to reopen the search engines. The bloggers call it Blog AGC play. Because it is always turning rolling on the serach engine.
Until now, only that I know. If anyone knows other than comment let me updated AGC blog Understanding this article :)
Suggestion :
Better you do not use the AGC (Auto Generated Content) because very harmful for people who are searching and trusted sites, web, blogs that use google AGC is an easy target. Targets for what? Is the target for eliminating the state's indexing by Google. even if using blogspot.com platform will be removed by google. And AGC (Auto Generated Content) is NOT OPTIMIZATION SEO
And if you find there any AGC immediately report to Google that the site quickly removed by Google. Read Also: How to Turn off Facebook Video Auto Play

How to Easily Turn Facebook Video Auto Play Off

Hello guys, today im going to share about How to turn off Facebook Video play in an easy way. Facebook's new feature, Auto Play Video, is a very useful Feature. But for some people, this means cutting off their Bandwith in a huge number.

Actually, its very easy to turn off this feature, because it is easy to find. But im just going to share it in here no matter what. Lets just check it out. Read Also: How to Save a Wet Phone

First, open up your facebook Settings page. You will find it just like on my screenshot above.

The settings link will be found just exactly upper the Log Out Button. Just simply click on the settings button then you will get redirected to these page:

After you get redirectd to a page like that, Head to the Video tab settings. You will find a page like this:

If you see the picture well, you will find "Video Quality Setting" and "Auto Play Videos" settings. Just simply click on the Auto Play Options and choose off. After that, well, that's it. Your Auto Play Feature is simply turned off.

Thats it, I hope it helps you. If you still have something to concern about, just put that thing on the comment box below and I will quickly respond you. GBU bruh.

Free Download Nova Launcher Prime v4.1.0 Cracked APK

Nova Launcher Prime 4.1.0 Cracked APK
The highly customizable, performance driven, home screen replacement
Accept no substitues! Nova Launcher is the original and most polished customizable launcher for modern Android

Download Nova Launcher v4.1.0 Cracked APK

  • Google – Use Google Search’s hotword right from the home screen, just say the words Ok, Google.
  • Color Theme – Set the highlight accent color for the launcher
    Also individual Color controls for labels, folders, unread count badges, drawer tabs and background
  • Icon Themes – Find thousands of icon themes for Nova Launcher on the Play Store
  • Subgrid positioning – Much greater control than standard launchers, Nova Launcher allows you to snap icons or widgets half way through the desktop grid cells
  • Customize App Drawer – Custom tabs, Vertical or Horizontal scrolling, Custom effects
  • Infinite scroll – Never far from your favorite page, loop through the desktop or drawer continously
  • Backup/Restore – Sophisticated backup/restore system allowing you to backup your desktop layout and launcher settings
  • Scrollable Dock – Create multiple docks and scroll between them
  • Widgets in dock – Place any widget in your dock, such as a 4×1 music player widget
  • Import Layout – No need to rebuild your desktop from scratch, Nova Launcher can import from most popular launchers. Including the one that came with your phone.
  • Fast – Nova Launcher is highly optimized to do it’s work quickly and quietly, keeping the animations smooth and letting you use your phone as fast as you can move your fingers. Read Also: Free Download Root Cleaner Cracked APK
What’s New
  • Lollipop Circle Folder Animation (Settings – Folder – Transition Animation)
  • Lollipop Scroll indicator (Settings – Desktop – Scroll Indicator)
  • Lollipop Icon Theme for Calculator, Clock, Contacts, Downloads, Email, Dialer, Settings and SMS (Settings – Look Feel – Icon Theme)
  • Preview of scroll effects in Settings
  • Optimizations and fixes
How to Install:
  1. Uninstall previous version of Nova Launcher apk & Tesla Unread Plugin
  2. Install both of the apks given in the archive.
  3. Launch Nova Launcher
  4. Enjoy!

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Free Download Root Cleaner v4.1.2 Cracked APK

Root Cleaner is simple and effective application which a lot increases your peformance by cleaning your root system. You can choose between quick cleaning and full cleaning. Quick cleaning cleans your memory, file cache, drop caches, leftovers, etc. and you can do that without reboot.

Full cleaning requires reboot, but it makes really total maintenance of your whole root system. Full cleaning is also great when you want to flash other ROM or kernel, so it will clean your device to prevent any problem. Root Cleaner also contains feature for uninstalling, clearing data and freezing or unfreezing your system and non-system applications. Root Cleaner makes your device as fast as possible just by clicking one button. If you are not satisfied with Root Cleaner you have full money back guarantee. Read also : 2 Easy Steps to get Free Backlinks

Download Root Cleaner v4.1.2 Cracked

Full cleaning
  • Battery calibration
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  • Clean empty folders
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  • Clean useless folders
  • Clean useless files
  • Clean leftovers

  • Total memory
  • Internal storage
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  • Cache
  • Data
  • System
  • Read cache
How to Install?
  1. Download and install apk as usual
  2. Done!

Root Cleaner v4.1.2 Cracked (1.6 MB) | Mirror

How to Save a Wet Mobile Phone Tutorial

Are you Looking for a Tutorial to save a Wet Mobile Phone caused by Dropped into the water? You came into the right Place Blog. Well, the first thing Im going tell you is "This tutorial may work, and may not" so do not blame me if this tutorial is not working. BUT at least, we have tried, right? Now let's check out the tutorial.

how to save a wet mobile phone

Do Not Switch On Your Phone!!!

Most people out there might be just trying to Switch their wet Phone on. Well, I will never blame them because that is caused by Panic and they don't now what to do. No, I said no. Don't. Switching on your wet Mobile phone may caused a more crash on the component. Moreover, well, just don't. Do not Switch it on neither Charge it.

Read Also: How to Download Youtube Videos

Remove All Parts and Dry Out Your Phone

The first thing you have to do is REMOVE all parts of your phone and dry out your phone immediately using VACUUM CLEANER. Remember, use Vacuum Cleaner, not Hair Dryer!!! Vacuum Cleaner have a stronger Power to dry the phone further into the smaller component. Next, put back all parts to the phone.

Draw Out all remaining Moisture on your phone

HOW? maybe it is the first thing came in your mind when you read this. USE RICE. Well, this make the tutorial sounds like a bullshit, eh? just do it! Rice can draw all the remaining moisture out, it is proved by ... eeeh, just do it bruh, Just do it. Full fill a plastic bag with rice and put your phone into it. So what next? Next is BE PATIENT! it will takes 3-4 Days to Draw out your phone.

Here is the Tutorial Video if you still dont get it :) It works on me, Hope it works on you. Source

How to Download Youtube Videos in an easy Tutorial

Having Problem in Downloading Youtube Videos?

Some people used to download Youtube Videos using Internet Download Manager or IDM. Just click on the video you want to download and the IDM download button will appear. Is it still working? Absolutely not. Youtube has upgraded their streaming system so IDM cannot detect the video url correctly, that makes the software won't show the download button. Here I will tell you the easy tutorial to download Youtube Videos easily!

How to download Youtube Videos

Warning: The steps bellow may breaks the Video Copyrights, So take the responsibility by your self.

First you have to know is, we don't need any additional software in here to download the videos. All you need is just a browser that support Javascript (Mozzila, Opera, Chrome, Spark, UC Browser, etc) and also Internet Download Manager if you have. If you don't, then it is fine. So here's the steps:

Open Up any Youtube Videos you want to Download

Simply, first thing you have to do is absolutely open up Youtube website and search the video you want to download. In here, I will use the Fetty Wap - Trap Queen Official Video ( This is my Favourite ). Look at the video URL and copy it. The URL will look like this:

Easy steps to download Youtube Videos
Man, I love this Video. Nevermind, lets just get back to the topic :) now copy the URL and replace www. on the url to ss. It will become like this: https://ssyoutube.com/watch?v=i_kF4zLNKio. Got it? it is an easy thing to do, Bruh. Please don't tell me that you still dont get it. And after you replaced the URL, just simply hit Enter/Go, and you will be redirected to the En.Savefrom.Net. It will look like this:

Easy Youtube Downloader

Now watch the mark I made on the picture. You may change the Video Quality to a lower one. Usually, it is always pick the highest quality automatically so you can just hit Download ( In your browser it might be different from the picture, not UNDUH, because my browser is in Indonesian Language so don't even get confused ). Next, you can save the video wherever you want on your device (This steps works well on almost every Device including Android and Iphone as well).

 Done, that's it. Simple, eh? I hope this article helps you bruh :) Also Read: 2 Easy steps to get free Quality Backlinks. Jesus Bless You guys.

2 Easy Steps to get FREE Quality Backlinks Up to PR 3

Don't Buy Backlinks!

When I put this sentence as my header topic, maybe you will just say "Is this for real?" Now I will answer the Question by "YES". 3 Years I spent my life to face my laptop and build a lot of Blogs and also websites, I never buy any backlink! Believe it or not, that is the truth. Wanna know how i got thousand of Backlinks for free? Just scroll the page down Bruh!

At the first time I heard that some people makes backlinks for sale, I just thingking what exactly in your mind. "Is that for real?" I can't believe how people are willing enough to spent hundred of Dollars only to but Live Links. It is funny when you find out that actually a Live Link is more expensive than the price of a domain it self. Well, I know that the Pagerank and the domain age take effects, but why you should pay, when actually you can get it free just exactly by your self?

How to get free backlinks
High PR Backlinks
As you know, there are two main kind of Backlinks, Quantity and Quality. It is harder to get a Quality Backlinks and it is easier to get Quantity Backlinks. In here, I will talk both of them so it is always up to you, which one you are going to make.

As I told you before, I have spent many hours only to learn about Web Mastering, such as creating website/blog, Learn how website works, Learn about file directory, etc. And I also have learned about web security ( Hacking ). But take it easy, I will not teach you how to hack website, but I will adopt some Hacking technique to get Backlinks for free. It is not a technique that Google hate, so relax your self and read carefully :)

1. Use Google Dorks

Do you know Google Dorks? Dork made by google to make their users find something way much easier. Dorks it self sometimes used by some hackers to find a security Bug. And in here, we will use Google Dorks to find Free Backlinks.

Open up Google on your new tab and paste this code:
Site:.com intext:Leave a Reply

Click search and you will find a lot of websites that provides a comment form to put your website links. Some of them already deleted their comment form, so you have to look after another website. You may change/edit the code i just gave to you. Change .com to another Domain types like ".org" or ".co.id", etc. There are so many Domain Names, so you can change it to any domain you wanted to.

After you find a website that gives a comment form, just read at the website's article, and give a comment based on the article's topic. Do not give a spam comment or your comment will not get approved. After your comment gets approved, then you have a Live Link on that website, or what you called as Backlink.

What you need to know next is The Website's Pagerank. You may check the pagerank of the website you are going to give a comment on checkpagerank.net. In here, if you find that the website PageRank is 0 (Zero), your backlink will be useless, unless you make a lot of the same backlinks that have the same PageRank (Zero). And this is also known as "Quantity Backlinks".

But then, if you choose to make "Quality Backlinks" or in other word, "High Pagerank Backlinks", you have to Only giving comments on the websites that have a pagerank. Also notice the Pagerank Quality (I will make an article about kind of Pagerank soon). Give a comment on a relative website that have the same topics that your web/blog has. This is also known as "Quality Backlinks".

2. Use IP Search Feature by Bing

After you find a Website/Blog that provides a comment form, you may close the google and open up Bing. In here, we are going to search the same kind of website on the same IP. What is IP? IP is an adress in Internet that show the location of the user or website. For example, you have found that http://www.dallasboudoir.com gives you a comment form. So, we are going to look after another website that have the sama adress and also gives you a comment form.

First you have to do is trace the website's IP. You may use Command Prompt on Windows or an online service to trace a website's IP. (Ping.eu, etc). In here, I will use a Command Prompt to get an IP from the website.

Steps in using CMD (Command Prompt)
- Open up CMD, by pressing Windows + R on your keyboard
- type "CMD" and press Enter.
- You will find a new window like this.

Ping Website to get the IP
Command Prompt
- Type : "Ping Thewebsite.com" and press Enter.

Change thewebsite.com to the website that you want to know what their IP Adress is. In here, I am using www.dallasboudoir.com. So it will be like this:

The Result of IP Pinging
As you see on the picture, the IP of dallasboudoir.com is : Now open up Bing and paste this code:

IP: Leave a Comment

Change the bolded IP to the result you have found by using CMD and press Enter. You will find a lot of websites that gives you comment form. Do not forget to check their Pagerank if you want to make  Quality Backlinks. Just ignore them if you want to make the Quantity one.

Those are all about 2 Easy Steps to get Free Quality Backlink. Remember, it is always up to you whether you are going to buy backlinks or just following my steps. But also remember this well: "Why we have to pay when we can get it Freely?". How great your blog can be, it depends on you. Thats it, I hope this article helps you. God Bless You Bruh